

Notícias | 2023-07-31

TELLES distinguida no Chambers High Net Worth Legal Guide 2023

A TELLES foi novamente distinguida no Chambers High Net Worth Legal Guide 2023 que destaca o trabalho desenvolvido em Private Wealth Law, publicado pelo reputado diretório internacional, Chambers and Partners.

Segundo feedback de Clientes e Pares do mercado:

  • TELLES is a leading firm with a strong international client base, advising clients on tax and structuring advice regarding relocation to Portugal. It also advises on investment structuring for domestic clientes.
  • Our dealings were excellent. Their areas of expertise are taxation and immigration, and everything they told us was accurate.
  • TELLES outranks its competitors in providing holistic domestic and international tax advice to global families.
  • TELLES has very good knowledge and capability to handle complex issues.

A título individual, João Luís Araújo e João Magalhães Ramalho, sócios da área de fiscal da TELLES surgem em posição de destaque.

Com cerca de 20 anos de experiência nesta área, João Luís Araújo é referenciado pela “expertise in taxation and other private client matters. He has almost 20 years' experience in this area. "His knowledge of taxation and the law is bang-on. You have that confidence that his advice is great and we are not being taken for a ride." "João is an excellent lawyer for Portuguese and international matters."

João Magalhães Ramalho, com cerca de 30 anos de experiência, possui o título de Advogado Especialista em Direito Fisscal atribuído pela Ordem dos Advogados Portugueses, é distinguido como “an established practitioner who is experienced in cross-border planning and structuring for high net worth and ultra-high net worth individuals, especially in the Brazilian market. Ramalho specialises in complex international tax planning and structuring. "João has always presented great capacity to understand problems, contributing his experience and knowledge to solve complex problems." "He is a true client partner, very knowledgeable and a didactic professional."

Esta distinção vem consolidar a forte aposta da TELLES na área de Private Wealth.

O Chambers High Net Worth destaca as principais Sociedades de Advogados e respetivos advogados especializados na área de Private Wealth Law sendo, este reconhecimento, o resulta da opinião do mercado, dos pares e evidencia o facto da TELLES ter assessorado vários processos de importantes Clientes Privados, nacionais e internacionais.

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